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City College


New York City


New York

City College


Marlene Santos

Standing: Junior

Major: Electronic Design and Multimedia

City College


Michelle Lin

Standing: Junior

Major: Electronic Design and Multimedia

City College


Joshua Nunez

City College


Jenny Huang

Standing: Junior

Major: Electronic Design and Multimedia

About This Institution

The City College of New York (located in Harlem and established as 'The Free Academy' in 1847) is the founding institution of the City University of New York and home to eight schools and divisions, each dedicated to the advancement of research and knowledge.

The EGD Collective of CCNY runs events every Friday Night from 5:30 - 8 PM. These “Friday Night Mashups” include a variety of programming, such as game design workshops, tournaments, casual gaming, and more. This club has very close ties with the CCNY Gaming Pathways, a program for students who want to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in game design.

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