Kyra Wills-Umdenstock
CEO & Programs Director
Founder of the original Esports and Game Design Collective at Hunter College in 2016, Kyra has 10 years of experience working within the nonprofit sector, education, events, and games. They are currently pursing their MPA in Nonprofit Management at Baruch College and hold a B.A. in Emerging Media from Hunter College.
Kyra also currently works as an independent contractor for project management, curriculum development, teaching, event production, graphic design, QA, sound design, and marketing. You can also find them at the desk on select days at BrookLAN, and regularly volunteering for games industry events around NYC. Previously, you could find them working at the Paley Center for Media, Games for Change, Project Dragonfruit, Game Builder's Academy, and the Brooklyn Children's Museum.
They are also a proud lifetime member of the Girl Scouts and received their Gold Award in 2016.