Advocating publicly on issues that concern members and creating opportunities to empower our members are core elements of the EGD Collective.
Whether we're fighting for free college for all, advocating for safer communities, or pushing for the elimination of crunch, EGD as an organization and its individual members are all responsible for the future of games. We encourage our students to advocate for what they care about, become agents of change, and volunteer their time within their communities.
A snapshot of some of the things our students and staff have done in the past few years:
In February 2019 following Anthem's release, students hosted educational discussions about working conditions for game developers and crunch culture.
In July 2019, students and staff spent a day volunteering for the Game Devs of Color Expo.
In April 2020, students and staff assisted the NYC Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment gauge the impact of COVID-19 on commercial businesses including esports and game development by spreading a survey to industry professionals
In June 2020 following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, students and staff mobilized to collect donations for bail funds for protestors.
In July 2020 following the allegations of sexual harassment and abuse within the fighting games community, streaming community, and games industry, staff joined together to educate student leaders on how to support their communities, and students participated in workshops on how to prevent, advocate, and support students in crisis.
In October 2020, staff, interns, and students joined Anykey in a charity stream to raise money for the Games and Online Harassment Hotline.
In January 2021, students volunteered their time running community nights with Southern Skillshot, the esports division of the Youth Education and Sports Initiative; a nonprofit in Atlanta, Georgia focused on college access and success for underprivileged middle and high school student-athletes.
In January 2021, staff, interns, and students volunteered their time for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture by transcribing Freedmen's Bureau Records.
students have volunteered their time through EGD for the games industry or a cause they cared about.
total hours donated by staff and students every year
of EGD HQ staff hold regular volunteer positions at other organizations in the games industry